Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns

As I was laying on the couch, dying from the flu on Sunday, I had a moment of awareness and I noticed a commercial for a new series...something that I had been looking for on YouTube...a show showing what it takes to become a sister!!!

I was BEYOND excited!!! I quickly found it and set it to record!

Tonight, "The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns" premiered...

I'm slightly disappointed. First, I was hoping for young women further in their discernment journey. I feel like I'm further in my discernment than some of the women.

It takes some discernment to embark in such an adventure, but I don't think I could have done it when I was in the phase these ladies are in. Heck, it took me a month after I had my "ah-ha moment" to tell my parents and neatly 3 months before I felt comfortable enough to tell other family and friends. Now, about 5 months into the process, I'm willingly telling people I just meet that I'm discerning religious life.

What I was expecting was different. I thought the show was going to be about young woman who had discerned that they were called to religious life and that they were starting on that journey into the community they were called to.

I guess when I saw this as their promo picture, I should have known better...

Now, I don't Twitter, but a friend of mine sent me a link to the #RealPostulants and #RealNun and I have checked out what they had to say. Go check it out if you "Twitter".

Ya, this tweet is true...bah humbug!

The show had it's good moments. First, feelings I have been having were put into words. That feeling that God is "the one" for me and he has personally "proposed" to me. It's a strange concept, but that's THE feeling I have had! God's the one I want!

Second, I believe it was Francesca's mom who said something along the lines of not wanting her to go away...my mom has been saying this to me since I started looking seriously at communities.

I also enjoyed what the priest had to say about discernment. If you aren't doing the right thing, you will be like a bird with a broken wing. (At least, that is what I comprehended)

I relate to Claire. I think she's truely in a place where long visits to communities and serious discernment is right for her. I have a feeling she is going to become the "bad guy" because she is in a serious discernment.

So, I will be watching this reality show. I think the fact that I discovered it while sick, was a sign that it will be part of my discernment journey.

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