Sunday, November 16, 2014

Challenge: Digital Footprint

Did you know that what you put online doesn't ever really go away??

I did, but never really thought twice about it. Now, I'm careful of what I post. There isn't any inappropriate pictures of me. When it comes to what others post, I have to approve if they try to tag me. I try to watch my language and post happy things on Facebook. I don't use Twitter or Snapchat. Pinterest is mostly recipes. But, what I post reflects who I am. Is everything I post something I would want students to see? 

The! I went through my Pinterest first. I had a picture of a half naked woman on my fitness board...gone now! I had "funny" pictures about camp that were making fun of the girls I had in my cabin....gone now!

Then I moved to Facebook. First, I checked my security settings...Facebook had messed with them (again) and I changed everything to super secret, gotta know me to friend me. I took my phone number off. I then set off to review early posts I had made...ya I would post censored "bad" words. I deleted those posts. These posts were made when I was having a bad day and needed to vent, but I should never had posted them on Facebook. I am also super careful of who I "friend" online. I am not friends if I haven't met them in person!

What we post online can affect us getting jobs! Look at the (former) teacher from Texas who lost their job after a comment about the unrest in Ferguson, MO! (Side note: why do these teachers have jobs, but I don't???) She isn't the only one!! People have not gotten jobs because of what their digital footprint says about them! 

Here is your challenge:
Step One: Google Yourself...what comes up? If you don't, narrow it down with where you live. Are you proud of what shoes up?

Step Two: Check Your Settings...are you set to where only friends can see your posts, tweets, instagrams? Can people you don't know comment and share? Do you want people who don't know seeing these things?

Step Three: Purge Your Posts...delete the posts you aren't proud of. Go through everything and delete what you wouldn't want future employers to see. 

Step Four: Think Before You Click...keep your social media clean! If you are upset, do you want the whole world to know or would you rather message a friend? Would you show that naked picture to your grandma? Then don't snap chat it to a friend! 

I hope this all helps us to leave a cleaner digital footprint!

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