Sunday, November 30, 2014

Adoration...What Am I Missing?

I have a confession to make...I don't care for adoration.

What??? How can I be a Catholic, discerning religious life and not like adoration???

I think it's a lack of knowledge and not growing up with it. Maybe it's how it's done when I go.

Tonight, for example, I went to a "Surrender Adoration"...not a fan...not enough quiet time to talk to God. Surrender is a more contemporary adoration when praise music is being played and people are encouraged to sing along. I know this works for some people, but I found it hard to concentrate on my conversation with God with people singing, loudly right behind me.

I have also done a more traditional benediction while on TEC. It feels forced and awkward. We sit in a circle and take turns talking to God. 

So, I have a favor to ask. What draws you to adoration? What do you do when at adoration? What advice do you have for someone wanting to like adoration, but is having a hard time enjoying it?

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