Monday, September 15, 2014

Shhhh!!!! A Post on Quiet.

I don't like quiet. 

As a teacher, I have a high noise tolerance. When I was subbing, principals often stopped when walking by my classes. I loved the noise!!!

At home, I would sleep with the TV on. I would find it difficult to sleep if I didn't have noise and would often sleep with earbuds in if I was away from home.

On a retreat, the priest pointed out my first and last initials are SH...shhhhhhh...ironic because I'm not a quiet person..

Why did I like noise??? Because it didn't give me a chance to hear God's voice!! I didn't like what he was saying. I (subconsciously) was drowning out His voice like a little child who puts his fingeres in his ears saying "I can't hear you!"

I still find it difficult to sit in quiet. However, my "noise" is different. When it's quiet, I'm talking to God in my head. I'm thanking Him for all He had done, asking for His help, and praising His greatness! So it may be quiet outside, but it's pretty loud in my head.

I am challenging myself this week to sit in silence without the outside noise. Will you do it with me?

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