Saturday, September 13, 2014

7 Quick Takes

I have read many "7 Quick Takes" and decided to take part for the first time this week! Enjoy!


1. I have been telling more people that I am discerning. I think the reason why I wasn't wanting to tell people was because I needed to get use to it first. I haven't had anyone react negatively when I tell them. Most are curious because it's different.


2. The "Nun Run" is getting closer and I'm getting excited! We will be visiting 3 different communities that day. The Poor Clares, The School Sisters of Notre Dame, and The Daughters of St. Paul. Another I person I know from TEC will be going as well that day. I don't know if she is discerning or not. Last I heard, she had a pretty serious boyfriend.


3. The students I work with are wonderful! I love the time I spend with 1st grade every day! It's the most I spend in a classroom and I'm getting to know those students. We have been working on letter sounds to get them ready to start reading. I have come up with silly things for them to remember the "tough" sounds.


4. The junior high students know I'm discerning. They ask me EVERY DAY if I still want to be nun. I hope to maybe do some sort of presentation about vocations. I would love for them to know what it takes and have them be part of my discernment process!


5. I was talking to a priest after a meeting and he wants to introduce me to some sisters he knows. They will be in town for an event and he wants me to attend with him.  This will happen the day before the "nun run". I'll fill in more when I know more details.


6. The meeting I mentioned is about "parish partnership". Our "partnership" was given the task to go from 3 parishes with 3 priests to 2 parishes with 1 priest. We have to come up with a plan on how to do this. At the end of the meeting, the priest I mentioned above and I were talking. He asked my opinion on the process. I told him we need more open minded people who aren't afraid of change to make this plan. The parish secretary was there and said good luck with that. I must agree, the people in the committee aren't open to change...let me rephrase, they aren't open to change that would inconvience them. They are all for priest getting married and women priests... This may get it's own blog...


7. The "lacking a certain body part" comment that was made to me by another priest at that same meeting still upsets me. I'm going to ask some of my priest friends what they think I should do.

That's all for today! I hope you check out the rest of my blog while you are here!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I discovered your blog through 7 quick takes. I went back and read your older posts, and I just wanted to say God bless on your discernment journey! And don't let unkind/ignorant things other people may say to you steal your peace. Just remember what St. Teresa of Avila said:
    "Let nothing disturb you,
    Let nothing frighten you,
    All things are passing away:
    God never changes.
    Patience obtains all things
    Whoever has God lacks nothing;
    God alone suffices."
