Sunday, August 3, 2014

Answer Me This

I have started following and she does an "Answer Me This" every Sunday. Here is my first week answering her questions

1. When driving, are you more likely to listen to the radio, to CDs or an iPod, or nothing at all?

I listen to the radio, but I have also started to pray the rosary. My car has an iPod hookup and the Laudate App has podcasts of the rosary. This has really helped strengthen my relationship with Mary and also with God.

2. Do you prefer window or aisle?

I like the window so I can watch what is happening outside.

3. Do you fall asleep on your side, back, or stomach? What position are you in when you wake up?

Both would be my stomach. I sleep with my hands underneath me and wake up with numb hands. I have tried sleeping other ways, but I always end up on my stomach.

4. When is the last time you attended a zoo, circus, carnival, county fair, or parade?

Last week, Sunday I was at the County Fair for FFA fun night and Saturday I was at the Homecoming Parade.

5. Do you have a favorite quote or inspirational saying?

I have a bible verse that I hold close

"Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don't look out only for you interests, but take an interest in others too!"

-Phillipians 2:3b-4

6. What's the best thing about summer?

Getting ready to go back to school!! I LOVE school supply shopping!! This year is exciting because I have a job at a school for the first time!!! It's not a teacher job, but I'm okay with that!

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