Saturday, August 16, 2014

Answer Me This #3

I really enjoy these linkups with so I will continue to do them!

1. What is your favorite room in the house?

I love being in my room when I want quiet...this isn't too often. I like noise. This often gets me in trouble as a teacher because I have a high noise tolerance. I like to be in the living room because that is where it's noisy. I can have the TV on, hear people moving around the house, and I can hear the outside noise. I need to become better at enjoying the quiet...

2. Do you subscribe to any magazines or other periodicals?

I don't. I will by magazines from the store when I see something I want to read. I access the newspaper online. The internet is so much easier and cheaper than buying a paper that ends up in the recycling bin the next day.

3. How do you feel about the sign of peace in Mass? Enriching? Awkward? Overdone? Just right? Some combination of the above?

I like the sign of peace...when it doesn't get out of hand. I have been on many retreats where we go around the room and give a sign of peace (most of the time it's a hug) to EVERYONE. This takes away from the fact that we are about to receive Jesus. I like to shake the hands of those around me, and then give my focus to the alter and prepare to receive Jesus.

I wrote this a few days ago, and have since come back to it...I have had a revelation of sorts...Here it is:

Having a dinner party? You know who you are having a meal with. You great everyone as they come in. Having dinner at someone else's house? You might not know someone  and you greet them kindly before dinner. Think of the Eucharist as a dinner party with the Church. Before taking part in the "Ultimate Dinner Party", let's all greet those around us and offer them the sign of peace. However, let's also remember the purpose of this "Dinner Party"!

I was at mass at a different parish the other week and the guy behind us told us he "doesn't do that" He also was critical of the priest (not the parish priest)

4. What is your least favorite sound?

The sound of metal scrapping. Like in winter when the snow plows are scraping the streets. Also when shovels hit something hard. I just can't stand that sound.

5. What was your favorite TV show (or shows) growing up?
I LOVED Boy Meets World, Saved by the Bell, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill, all those fun shows that came on after school! They are sooo different then the shows you get now! Most of these shows taught you lesson.

6. What are your favorite TV shows now?

Well, I love reality TV and game shows. My favorite reality shows would have to be almost any show you find on TLC, Dance Moms, and other shows like this. Game shows I love would include The Amazing Race and Big Brother...I would like to be on both of these shows....

I LOOOOVE this show!!!


  1. We are huge Amazing Race fans! I like noise, too. When I was a high school teacher, I almost always had a cd player playing some sort of classical music.

  2. I loved what you shared about the dinner party/sign of the peace! :)

  3. We must be about the same age because we grew up watching all the same shows :)

    I feel the same way about the Sign of Peace. It's good as long as it doesn't get out of hand :)
