Thursday, March 5, 2015

7 Quick Takes: Life Update!

I have a lot going on right now, so I figure this is the best way to update you all on my life!

1. This weekend I will serving on the adult team for a Quest retreat. This retreat is for Freshmen and Sophomores in high school. It focuses on the 3 circles of love...Love of Jesus, Love of Others, and Love of Yourself. When you balance these you find JOY! (Did you get it???) I will be giving a talk about prayer and I'm super excited to share how I pray and help the Questers see how many ways there are to pray! If you can, please keep us in your prayers this weekend! The team assembles Friday night and the Questers come Saturday morning. The retreat lasts until Sunday evening. Thanks in advance!

2. I'm officially discerning with the Adorers of the Blood of Christ! The vocation director will be in town next week and we will be getting together a couple of times to talk! I'm really excited! I have been "assigned" a bunch of "homework" to do. I have to read the spirituality section of my discernment journal. I'm also starting to plan a trip to Wichita to visit the sisters there!

3. If you read my blog, then you know I had a pretty bad week last week...this week has been a bit better. I'm now taking the approach that I'm going to do the best I can and offer my frustrations up. The serenity prayer comes to mind...

I am accepting I cannot change how she acts towards me, so I'm asking God to help me accept it!


I bought 2 packages of these delicious gifts from Australia last week...I'm pretty impressed I still have 1.5 packages still left! On the other hand, I received a box of Girl Scout cookies and I ate about half of them yesterday while I was waiting for my car to warm up...I was hungry and may have been eating my feelings...

5. I celebrated my "baptism birthday" on the 4th. 26 years I have now been a baptized member of the Catholic Church! The crazy "coincident" is that March 4th is also foundation day for the Adorers. I feel like it's a sign that I am on the right path right now!

6. We are winding down the winter weather for the season. This makes me a bit sad, mostly because I did not get a snow day. I am ready for the weather to be warm enough to take the kids outside without freezing. Between the full moon this week and being stuck inside, the kids were (literally) bouncing off the walls today.

7. The 8th grade boys like to play mass at recess. Yes, you read that correctly. They do their "mass" followed by a "circle time" to discuss how they can improve. The young man who was the "bishop" promoted himself to pope. They also have a priest, deacon, and a server. One boy is the cantor and they sing songs and the Responsorial Psalm. I even caught a bit of the homily. One told me that he is kind of interested in being a priest or deacon. Can't wait to see what comes of this class!

Check out more 7QT at This Ain't the Lyceum!

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