Monday, December 22, 2014

So You're a Convert Catholic

Welcome to the Catholic faith! Here are some pointers that may come in handy:

1. Don't get offended by people. Many people have been part of the Catholic faith a lot longer than you. They want to share what try know with you. They are not trying to be rude or scare you away. They simply want to share things to help you. If you find a comment offensive, offer it up to God and keep going!

2. Explore EVERYTHING!! There is sooo much to the Catholic Church! As a "cradle Catholic" I know I haven't explored everything yet. Don't get stuck doing the same things because that's what you like. Go out and find new ways to praise Jesus and keep challenging yourself. This will be how we get to know God better!

3. Get involved in your parish! This one is hard! Many parishes (mine included) have a group of people who have been in charge for the last 50 years. These people complain about how they need help and can't do it anymore, but when someone tries, they get scared away. I have finally taken the step to be a Eucharistic Minister. Took me almost 26 years, but I'm not letting the scary church ladies scare me off!! Start small, but again, don't get offended if they tell you EVERYTHING you did wrong.

4. Feel free to ask questions. I still ask questions. There are still things that confuse me. For example, I'm trying to figure out why everyone loves Eucharistic Adoration so much. Why are people drawn to it. What do you do during it? Again, see #1. People want to share with you and help you grow.

You know what? This advice is for ALL Catholics! There should be no distinction between "cradle Catholics" and "convert Catholics"! We are ALL Catholics! 

My grandma was a convert and no one really knew that! She converted so she could marry my grandpa! She went to mass every Sunday, raised her daughters in the faith, worked the bingos and church picnics, she even cleaned the church and Father's house every week. She would sometimes cook dinner for Father as well. 

So, be Catholic! It doesn't matter what word is before that. It's all CATHOLIC!

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