Saturday, August 16, 2014

Answer Me This #4

Welcome back for my 4th week linking up with for Answer Me This! Hope you all enjoy getting to know me a little better!

1. What is your favorite picture book?

Wow, this is tough...I LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEE  books!!! As a child, I would always want to read this book

Its a cute book about a boy and a bear on a mission to pick berries. Okay, so it has a strange plot, but I love the illustrations and how it brought out my imagination as child. When I took a Children Lit class in college, my teacher told me that she hated this book. I never did find out why. She was  reading specialist at  a local school district.

As I mentioned, I took a Children Lit class in college (I am a teacher after all). I read MANY books in that class. Some of my favorites were wordless picture books.

"Flotsam" holds a special place in my love of books because my teacher I mentioned gave us each a copy at the end of the semester and left us each a nice note. I then used this book during my student teaching experience. "The Invention of Hugo Cabret" is a (mostly) wordless CHAPTER BOOK!!! I have shared this book with many students who then also fall in love with it. I strongly encourage you all to check out both of these plus other wordless picture books. They help develop imagination in children!

2. Are you a boycotter?

I try, but I don't always stay away. I live in a small town where the nearest Wal-Mart is 15 minutes to the next town. That town has a little more, but not a huge variety....There is one place I will never go to for fish on a Friday again.

3. How do you feel about cheese?

Cheese on my eggs, cheese on my spaghetti, cheese on my salad, cheese on my sandwich, cheese on my veggies, cheese on my pizza, cheese on my cheese!!!


Now to go have a late night cheese snack...

4. How many pairs of sunglasses do you own?

I own A LOT of problem is that I "misplace" them around the house, thus I can never find them and then I go and buy another pair. I will say that I never spend more than a few dollars on my sunglasses because of this problem.

5. How long has it been since you went to the dentist?

Can I pass on this? I have a terrible dentist phobia on top of a making phone calls to doctor office phobia (is there really such a thing?) therefore it has been awhile. I will leave it at that...don't judge!

6. If you could visit any religious site in the world, where would you go?

This is tough! I would love to visit the Vatican...what Catholic doesn't? There are other places I would like to visit as well. Since reading about Thomas Becket and my Parish I have been a member of FOREVER is St. Augustine of Canterbury, I would like to visit Canterbury Cathedral. I have recently became interested in the Camino de Santiago and this would be a "place" I would like to go. I say "place" because it is really a pilgrimage across Spain.

1 comment:

  1. Those books you shared look really neat, I'm definitely going to check them out! I hope you make it to the Vatican someday, it's really amazing!
