Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy St. Valentine's Day

I have been spending my St. Valentine's Day doing some discernment. First, I read the first chapter in my discernment journal. 

I just noticed the title...seems perfect to start today!

Then, I let myself daydream about visting the sisters in Witchita, KS. I'm thinking of maybe visiting during Holy Week. I looked up possible flights and what days would be best. I also looked into Catholics on Call this summer in Chicago. This is something the ASCs want to send me to, to help with discernment.

Finally, I will wrap up my valentines day with my valentine, Jesus, in the Holy Eucharist. 

I just love my little church! Tonight's mass was special in its own way. Some of my cousins whom I don't see often sat in front of me. Their little boy read the church bulletin during the entire mass. He found something funny and had to share it. Then, someone else grabbed me while in line to remove a sticker from my pants...never a dull moment.

Today also marks 29 years since my Grandma Harbaugh passed away. I never had the chance to meet her, but I'd like to think that she (and my other grandparents and Uncle Tom) are all praying on my behalf during my discernment journey!

Today was one of the best St. Valentine's Days I have had!

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