Thursday, September 18, 2014

7 Quick Takes: Volume 2

Linking up again with ConversionDiary for 7 Quick Takes. Visit ConversionDiary for more!

Here are 7QT about how much I love my job!! No, really, I love my job and all the things I do (even making copies).

1. It has become common knowledge with most people I interact with daily that I'm discerning. I LOVE it! It's a wonderful feeling knowing that so many people are praying for you as you begin your journey. The students I work with are the best! They make me feel like this is the right thing to do!

2. I LOVE my job!!! I always say that when I start a new job and that feeling quickly disappears after a few weeks. Well, it hasn't yet! I think this is where I'm suppose to be. And it really helps that the students and other teachers are super supportive of my discerning!

3. I want to do a lesson about vocations to religious life with the students I work with. Maybe not right now, but I want to share with them the process that I am going through in hopes that they understand what it takes and that they may consider a vocation to religious life. Knowledge is power! I didn't realize what it took until I started seriously discerning!

4. I have taken to praying the rosary daily as I drive to work. October is the month dedicated to the rosary. I also would love to do something with the students to share the love I have for praying the rosary.

5. At my job, I do a little bit of everything. I am the lunch and recess monitor, I make copies, read to kindergarten, help 1st grade with letters and numbers, work with 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade with a little bit of everything, get called as the sub, work after-school, and anything else that needs to be done! I LOVE it!!! Why??? Because I am in a school every day and I feel like I belong!!! I'm learning names and getting a routine down!!

6. Have I mentioned that I LOVE my job??? Well another awesome thing is that it's a Catholic school. I can share my faith without worry of offending someone and losing my job. I can wear my crosses to work. It's okay that I talk about Jesus and how much he loves us. Heck, it's encouraged that we pray!! I think we are going to start praying before snack at after-school!

7. I was going to write about missing subbing, then I realized I don't! I might not be the teacher in front of the class, but I get to work one-on-one with students who need extra help, I get work with almost all the students, and my schedule is flexible enough that I get to sub for teachers. So I might not be subbing all the time, but I feel like I'm making a difference! Something I didn't feel when subbing full-time!

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