Friday, July 4, 2014


I'm not telling many people that I have started to discernment process. I'm sitting with family now and I so badly want to tell them, but I'm not ready to see what their reaction is. I feel like they know something, but I don't want to tell them.

Why is it easier to tell people I'm not super close with? I was excited/scared to tell my TEC family last weekend. I'm nervous/scared to tell my family. I have no idea how to tell my other friends.  I know some will feel betrayed. 

I'm getting ready to go on a trip with people I know won't take my news well. How do I know this? I talked casually about it a few months ago and they told me how terrible of an idea it was. I don't plan on telling them while we are away. I pray to God that I have the strength to keep my secret. I don't want to upset people when it's not even a "for sure" thing.

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